The UK Disability History month runs from 18th November to 18th December 2021. The themes for this year are Disability and Hidden Impairment and Disability Sex and Relationships.
To me this is something that is really important to be sharing and teaching about, however as with many things this is just another event that isn’t being promoted enough. Teaching about disability is important in order to understand disabilities, both hidden and visible, and promote acceptance.
I only found out about disability history month by doing some research to see if this was something that existed. Even then the information I have been able to find is very limited and the resources to support the teaching of this in schools even more limited.
Promoting acceptance and history are two areas that I am extremely passionate about which is why I wanted to write this blog to highlight this month. My hope is that there are schools in the UK who are teaching content linked to disability history month but given the lack of resources I feel that this probably won’t be happening. However, just like Autism Acceptance month, this information doesn’t just need to be talked about for one month but instead all year round. In order to support this I hope to be able to create resources, blog posts and deliver talks in schools in order to create this understanding and acceptance of disability.
If your school or an organisation you know is doing something for Disability History Month then do please get in touch as I would love to see the work that is currently being done.